Something about nothing, something about you and me.
Words are a funny thing, so many languages so many words. Big words, small words, sad words, funny words, words words words...
Point; interesting to me, is how words can do so many things, simplest of words, can make a bigger impact than an atomic bomb. The most thought out, well defined, perfect word, can leave someone uninterested...
Reason; Words mean more than we give credit. "sticks and stone can break my bones, but words can never hurt me." words to live by, yet mean so much, and mean nothing at the same time... words DO hurt, words Also heal, energize, invigorate, teach, and do many more things. We just need to learn how to use them.
"I love you." some say the three most powerful words in the dictionary, right next to "Honey, I'm Pregnant."
I think my main point here is, we have a weapon we wield, our tongue. The Bible even talks of such things, "Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking lies." Psalm 34:13
Just because it is a weapon doesn't mean its bad. Indiana Jones used a Smith and Wesson to shoot a Sword Wielding Lunatic to save Marion...
We can use our words, our voices, our Instruments of peace. For God, for our brothers and sisters, friends and families, even people we don't know.
"Words are just words unless spoken with conviction, then and only then they become so much more."
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